What are you sacrificing this Eid ul Adha?
We all know Eid ul Adha is the time when Muslims around the world celebrate Eid on 10th of Zul Hajj by sacrificing animals to commemorate Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Ismail (peace be upon him). But have you ever wondered what the word sacrifice depicts? What are lessons for us in the story of sacrifice of prophet Ibrahim? What was striking about their sacrifice that pleased Allah so much that he made obligatory for all the Muslims to come till the last day to follow their Sunnah in order to please Allah? Let’s analyze this story of sacrifice from a different perspective. Mufti Ismail Menk explains according to him what sacrifice of Eid ul Adha is.
The Story Of Sacrifice
According to narrations, it was a dream to prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to do something that will please Allah even though it did not make sense and required a sacrifice larger than human resilience. No human can do or even think of a sacrifice like that for the times to come. Dreams to prophets are a form of revelation. He (Ibrahim) considered as a command and he was ready to fulfill the Divine order no matter how testing it was. Dream showed to sacrifice his beloved son Ismail (peace be upon him). When he mentioned this dream to his son, what could have been a possible reaction? Are you out of your senses to even think of that? Do you not love me? Does Allah not love us? Why us? These are the natural responses usually of us all whenever any calamity befalls us or we are going through testing times. But the reply of Ismail (peace be upon him) was that which is not just surprising and eccentric but also exhibits complete submission to the will of Allah. He said;
“O, my father! Do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast” Al Quran 37:102
This example of sacrifice and in response level of submission by both father and son is beyond our capacity to understand. This
example has lessons for us all which we should ponder in order to get true guidance;
- Submission to the will of Allah, without any ifs and buts.
- Having no doubt about Allah’s commands. Following what has been commanded.
- Trusting Allah’s plans for us.
- Patience is not just accepting the situation but willingly submit to the will of Allah wholeheartedly and strive to make efforts nonetheless.
- Parenting requires to become a role model for children. Not just commanding them and accepting compliance in return. Do what you want them to practice.
- Paying no heed to whistle blowers and evils who whisper evil designs and do what has been commanded.
Interesting part if this narration is that when Ibrahim (peace be upon him) went to sacrifice his son as he saw in a dream, the devil came to him to misguide him. 3 times he came to mislead Ibrahim (peace be upon him) but he pelted stones on him each time and didn’t pay heed to his misleading ideas.
Another Significant Aspect Of This Story
Mufti Menk explains another significant aspect and learning from this story. Eid ul Adha is not just a celebration of Hajj and the festival of meat. It is a celebration of the obedience and submission to Allah in such an exemplary way which has never and never will be accomplished by any human. When Muslims are putting a knife on the animal, which is actually the depiction of putting an end to our years-long deeply ingrained vices. Sacrificing our worldly pleasure to the will of Allah. This is such an important narrative that we should stop and ponder for a while.
When we are sacrificing animals each year, are we willing to sacrifice our worldly desires which goes against the law of Allah? Are we putting an end to the sins which we are committing? To seek the true pleasure of Allah and to commemorate the sacrifice, true essence of Eid ul Adha, what are our preparations?
Eid ul Adha Is About Self Development
Eid ul Adha is more than just greeting and eating meat. It is about the development of the self. To grow from whatever is required to please Allah. Or to put an end to our activities which are the cause of displeasing Allah. Your sacrifice of animals is not required by Allah. We boast about sacrificing numbers of animals, not just one. And we feel contented to have pleased Allah by distributing meat to the underprivileged people. Yes, that is what Eid ul Adha is. But that is not just it. Try sacrificing anyone vice this Eid just to seek Allah’s pleasure. Follow the Sunnah of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Ismail (peace be upon him) of submitting their will to Allah’s command. Let’s commit to reinvigorate our connection with Allah. Question yourself, what are you willing to sacrifice this Eid ul Adha to seek the true pleasure of Allah (other than the animal).